
As Within So Without

5 Easy Ways to Prevent Food Poisoning

Stop Poisoning Your Body

πŸ’’ There are more than 3M US cases of food poisoning reported a year. πŸ’’      

Food Poisoning isn’t pretty. Protect yourself. 


πŸ”ΊIf food has been sitting out of the refrigerator for more than two hours, toss it. Bacteria doubles every 20 minutes after that. 


πŸ”ΊThaw frozen foods in the refrigerator, not the counter DON’T rinse poultry- Many lab studies show that at least 83% of raw poultry is contaminated with salmonella or campylobacter bacteria. Washing poultry before cooking it significantly increases the chances of spreading it to your sink and countertop. You’re safer just cooking it thoroughly. Check the temperature of your meat. Poultry cooked at 148 degrees for 3 minutes kills 99.999999% of salmonella. 


πŸ”ΊWash ALL fruits and vegetables. Fruits and Vegetables are susceptible to disease-causing microorganisms, which can escape to the pulp inside when being cut. You should soak berries and leafy greens in water for 2 minutes; add lemon juice to the water for extra safety. 

πŸ”ΊAvoid salad bars and buffets at restaurants. Half of the food-borne illnesses are linked to restaurant dishes- and the riskiest ones are those that sit out for longer than 2 hours. If you love buffets, pick a busy restaurant, where food trays are frequently refilled.

Gordan Ramsey Chicken Joke

πŸ’’For the latest list of foods that may be contaminated visit the FDA website. Foodsaftey.gov πŸ’’

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