
As Within So Without

2019 Makeup Trend Outlook: Clean and Polished

                2019 Makeup Trend Outlook: Clean and Polished 

According to Charlotte Libby, Mintel's global color cosmetics analyst, 2019 is going to be all about enhancing and protecting the complexion. Less will be more.

Asian Girl Being a leaf peaking out

  • 67% of Chinese women want to minimize makeup steps. 
  • 41% of U.S. women would be interested in multi-purpose  beauty product.
  • 41% of French women think that the environment (e.g. pollution, cold weather) affects the appearance of the skin

With the massive wave of the "#NomakeupMakeup" selfies in 2018 and the continuing demand for chemical free products, 2019 will see an increase in multi-step natural products. Were going to see a big jump in the purchase of color-correcting primers, powders, and concealers

No makeup makeup look one Christina Aguilera

You can't have a polished look without a well-defined brow. The complexion is the photo of the face, and the brow is the frame. The 2019 brow will be all about clean edges, accentuated arches, and tapered tails.   


Microblading will continue to be popular among beauty gurus, and we'll see a demand for semi-permanent eyebrow products.

Model with really nice brows

Finally, we can't leave out the Pinterest search that's up +1077%! Ladies and gentlemen, expect to see at least one person you know with lilac hair this year. ðŸ’œ 
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